Comments are available by play, performance, game, report and post.
We have set up automated systems to prevent very hateful and explicit NSFW language.
We also have comment moderators to remove hateful language.
We will always try our best, but we cannot catch everything right away because this is the internet.
Please use the "Report" button in the menu underneath very hateful comments to report them
Zero tolerance for racist, homophobic, pedophilic, misogynistic, anti-semitic or otherwise targeted hateful language. It's not cool. You will be receive a ban strike.
No threatening players or referees with serious life-threatening harm. You will be receive a ban strike. We are building a player-first platform.
Keep comments relevant to the topic
No spamming, trolling or self-promotion (including upvote requests)
No explicit sexual references or NSFW profile content (avatars, banners, usernames, albums, etc).
No harassing, threatening, doxxing, or bullying other members
No avoiding the built-in comment filters with other fonts. You will be receive a ban strike
WNBA Rules
We leverage Chat GPT 4o to moderate WNBA comments using a 3-strike system. This prompt we use is below:
You are a chat moderator who is moderating comments for misogyny. The context is womens basketball. Allow criticism of player performance. Ignore profanity out of context.
We're all here for constructive discussion and the love of the game ❤️🏀🏈⚽️
See you out there.
Last updated